seesh. i'm sick again. i think this is the second time i've had flu in three months? well anyways. i'm going back to my motherland in april with my classmates. everything is all set. coaches are booked and double checked. hotel is booked and also double checked. all set and ready to go. just need to pack. which i can do the day before.
1:08 am
it's amazing isn't it? how the human mind works. how it takes loss for someone to realise that he/she should cherish every moment they have with the ones they love. to end each day with forgiveness and not hold any grudges. to begin each day anew. to take each day as it is. and whatever happens, happens.
8:11 pm
i'm so tired of feeling this way. getting this much distrust. treated this way. i'm a freaking 22yearold. sometimes i just wish i could get away from it all. i bottle too many things, feelings inside that i'm amazed at myself that i'm capable of feeling anything anymore. sucks to be me.
11:51 pm
well. i'm bored to tears. weekend stay-at-home tv should have better shows if they really want people to stay at home. no amount of sudoku puzzles can bring me out of weekend misery. sal!!!!! i want to meet you!!! you can help me buy my sports shoooooes. hahahahaha. we can go to queensway. or have our madjack dinner. woohoo!
7:27 pm
february has come and gone. 5th march was the day that i've been looking forward to. and it didn't disappoint. he didn't disappoint. his performance was worth whatever i paid for. his interaction, his opera singing. he's hot. and i was five metres away from him. right smack in the middle. and he performed one of my favourite songs from the second album, mr curiosity. as i predicted, and told my brother, he sang Lucky with a local artiste. that bitch is one lucky lady.
12:57 am